Diagnostics and treatment, counseling and preventive measures are carried out for all logopedic disorders.
Focus on children and teenagers:
Focus Adults:
I also offer home visits in the district of Korneuburg (Bisamberg, Korneuburg, Stockerau, Langenzersdorf, Hagenbrunn, ...),
as well as the following districts in Vienna: 1190, 1210.
Die Logopädische Praxis -
Susanne Herzele, BSc, MSc
(vormals Meindl)
Hauptstraße 16/3, 1.Stock
A-2102 Bisamberg
Telefon: +43 (0)677 61302393
E-Mail: info@dielogopaedischepraxis.at
Therapie von Sprach-, Sprech-, Stimm-, Schluck- und Hörstörungen